Sector has worked hard to address health concerns

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Following the news that the Government will not seek to introduce a sugar tax, the ALMR has commended the licensed hospitality sector’s efforts to provide customers with healthy choices and urged the Government to engage with businesses ahead of any future restrictions.

The Government has confirmed that it will be accepting the recommendations made in the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition’s report on sugar and will not seek to introduce a sugar tax. The Government’s comprehensive obesity strategy will be published in the autumn.

ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The licensed hospitality sector has been working hard to provide its customers with information and options to help them make healthy choices. It is pleasing therefore to see the Government declining the opportunity to impose yet more costs on the sector.

“Through the Responsibility Deal, the sector has increased the sophistication of its alcohol labelling to provide customers with information on alcohol units and calorific content and to make an informed choice. The trade has also worked hard to reduce the number of units being sold to customers.

“Both drinks and food offerings have evolved rapidly in recent years and venues have worked hard to reformulate menus to reduce salt and sugar content, particularly in children’s menus. Any additional costs imposed by the Government would have failed to recognise this good work and only imposed further costs for both businesses and consumers.

“We hope the Government engages the trade and the wider business community in a full and open dialogue should they decide to introduce any new restrictions in the future.”



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