How to get smarter with time!

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Time is one of the precious commodities we have when it comes to running a busy bar or restaurant.  I know first hand because I’ve been there myself.  For the vast majority of my working life on the other side of the fence.  I’ve managed busy restaurants myself and the one thing you can never get enough of is time.  There is nothing worse than finishing a really tiring session – yet you’re still knee deep in paperwork while everyone else has gone home – and looking at another two hours before you can even contemplate locking up.

It’s not just the end of a session. There are constant demands on your time.  You need to send out purchase orders to replenish stock today, sort out a mailing for a special offer for the weekend today, update your menus and till accordingly today, plan your staffing levels for the weekend today and work out why you’re not hitting your correct margins today. And have a meeting with your area manager about hitting your sales targets, you got it, today.

It would be a classic Catch 22 situation if we hadn’t launched Get Smarter, a brand new managed services offering from GS designed to win you more time through the clever deployment of EPOS.

Sounds familiar? It did for me in the very early days of my career before I realised that using EPOS could help me do my job far more effectively in each of the scenarios I’ve outlined above.  EPOS gave me as an operator airtight controls. Without them you’re vulnerable and are unable to control your stock, your sales, your cash and staff costs

But EPOS could only do this if it was used properly – which takes precious time, resources and commitment. They are not always easy to find when you’re constantly appearing to be swimming against the tide.

It would be a classic Catch 22 situation if we hadn’t launched Get Smarter, a brand new managed services offering from GS designed to win you more time through the clever deployment of EPOS.

Get Smarter is designed to take all the pressure off your business and free up your time so you can do your job to the best of your ability, without any unnecessary distractions.

We’ve developed this at GS over the last six months and we’re now offering to existing and new customers as a bespoke package to cater for their specific EPOS requirements.

It could be anything from managing your EPOS while you employ your own in-house resource to us running your EPOS operation in its entirety as if we were you internal team.  The list is literally endless and includes  backing up sales data centrally on our servers, producing and distributing reports, data and information , ensuring stock control polices are implemented, configuring new menus, running promotions….you name it, we can do it.

First, we can help operators put procedures in place can eliminate loopholes and give them a stronger businesses.

There are numerous benefits for using a bureau service like Get Smarter. Here are three top reasons I like to tell operators about when we chat about Get Smarter.

First, we can help operators put procedures in place can eliminate loopholes and give them a stronger businesses.

Second, we can create and generate business intelligence and reports from the EPOS solution that can influence your bottom line and the money you make.  Why settle for a 61% margin when 66% is attainable with tighter controls and procedures?

And third, good EPOS is accessible to everyone – even smaller two or three outlet multiples who want to use all the technology but don’t want to invest in in-house resources or a head office system.

Does Get Smarter sound like something you want to chat about? All you have to do is give me a call on 0800 655 6264 or e-mail. It could be the best use of your time today.

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