Responding to the news that underage drinking has fallen to a record low, the ALMR has welcomed the news and praised the positive work being done by licensed hospitality across the UK.
Yesterday the Government released its annual report: Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in England 2013, showing a sustained decline in the number of 11 to 15-year-olds drinking alcohol.
ALMR Strategic Affairs Director, Kate Nicholls said: “These figures are testimony to the effort put in by alcohol retailers to drive out under-age purchases and by the industry as a whole to promote not just a responsible retailing but also a responsible consumption message to consumers. As a result, not only are young people drinking less but the numbers not drinking at all are at an all time high.
“The proportion of school children reporting ever having drunk alcohol is at its lowest ever level and those reporting regular drinking at least once a week has dropped by three quarters, to just 5%, over the past decade. Most pleasing of all increasing number of children are not drinking at all – two thirds of 11-15 year olds have never had a drink, up 55% on a decade ago.
“Clearly our messages about sensible drinking from DrinkAware and investment by retailers in online server training and Best Bar None are paying off.”
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