Licensed hospitality integral to UK culture

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Following the publication of a Government White Paper on culture, The ALMR is encouraging the Government to support and celebrate the licensed hospitality sector as an integral part of UK culture.

ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “As we in the trade know, pubs and bars are part of this country’s social and cultural fabric and it is only right that they be celebrated and encouraged as such.

“Pubs and bars are venues for live music, comedy, theatre and are increasingly being used as cinemas. They are also breeding-grounds for the UK’s talented artists. Musicians, DJs and comedians perform some of their first gigs and get their breaks in our venues and pubs can act as vital bases for amateur theatre companies.

“Customers will often incorporate a visit to a pub or a bar into their wider nights out to the cinema, theatre, galleries or other events. One of our strengths is that our venues have very widespread appeal, and prove that the term ‘culture’ needn’t only be applied to those pursuits traditionally seen as highbrow. Culture is a broad brush and licensed hospitality is inclusive and open to all.

“With the publication of the first White Paper on culture for half a century, the ALMR is encouraging the Government to look beyond the traditional scope of cultural pursuits and to recognise and support licensed hospitality, one of the UK’s most diverse and culturally important assets.



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