Following the publishing of the Government’s interim findings on the administration of business rates, the ALMR has welcomed the pledge for further engagement with the pub trade, and reiterated its call for regular, up-to-date valuations.
The Government has today published its interim findings on the administration of business rates in England. The Government has stated that it has no immediate plans to change the current individualised approach to valuation and has resolved to engage regularly with the pub sector. The document also noted that the majority of respondents were in favour of more regular valuations.
ALMR Chief Executive, Kate Nicholls said: “We are pleased to see the Government committing to further engagement with the sector on business rates through a regular forum and a further review of the business rates structure over the coming year.
“The ALMR has been vocal in its call for a root and branch review of business rates and these early findings, coupled with the Chancellor’s pledge during the Autumn Statement, will allow us to make the case for an overhaul of a system which is not currently fit for purpose.
“Like the majority of respondents we are in favour of more frequent valuations to ensure a much more responsive and up-to-date system which does not penalise high street property businesses.
“The ALMR will be engaged with the Government to ensure that the current system, which places unfair burdens on licensed premises, is succeeded by one which promotes a fair and flexible market.”
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