Act swiftly to end sector uncertainty, says ALMR

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The ALMR has once again impressed upon the Government the need to rapidly implement a Statutory Code for pubs in order to bring much needed stability and certainty to the licensed hospitality sector and promote investment and growth.

ALMR Chief Executive, Kate Nicholls has today given evidence before a committee examining the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill which includes the proposed statutory code for pubs and the pubs adjudicator.

Speaking before addressing the Committee, ALMR Chief Executive, Kate Nicholls said: “We are pleased to see that the Government is taking decisive action and has committed to implement changes within a year. We need to draw a line under a period of uncertainty for the sector and bring back a sense of stability in order to promote investment and growth and to ensure a fair, free and flexible market.”

Responding to questions about the scope of the code, Nicholls said: “There is nothing wrong with the tied model, indeed when operated properly, it is an extremely valuable and beneficial business relationship. The issue has always been about behaviour and it is that which should be subject to regulation. Problems have arisen in the past due to the disparity of information between landlord and lessee – the government’s proposals offer a pragmatic and proportionate mechanism to address that, increase transparency, equip tenants to enter into a commercial negotiation and walk away from a bad deal.”

The ALMR has also called urged the Government to remove elements of the basic code to reduce compliance costs for smaller businesses and regional brewers.

Nicholls concluded: “The government’s proposals offer a proportionate mechanism to address that, increase transparency, equip tenants to enter into a commercial negotiation and walk away from a bad deal. The Government’s Bill is pragmatic, proportionate and measured and, because the measures have been extensively consulted on, they should be able to be implemented swiftly. The ALMR has been vocal in its call for speedy action on this issue and we urge the Government to act promptly to avoid further sector uncertainty.”



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