Contract abuse clampdown must be matched by support, says ALMR

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Responding to the decision to ban exclusivity in zero hours contracts, the ALMR has welcomed the Government’s bid to clamp down on contract abuses, stressed the importance of flexible working to licensed hospitality and called upon the Government to help businesses invest in their employees.

Yesterday, Business Secretary, Vince Cable announced that the Government would ban exclusivity clauses for employees on zero hours contracts.

ALMR Strategic Affairs Director, Kate Nicholls said: “Not only are we pleased to see the Government addressing the issue of contract abuse, it is also encouraging to hear the Business Secretary speak positively regarding flexible working.

“Flexible working is critical for licensed hospitality as it offers a degree of flexibility to both employers and employees. Many of our employees are young or in full time education or semi-retired and enjoy the flexibility which these contracts afford them as they often combine work with study or other activities.

“We are, as a sector, committed to ending abusive contracts and providing employees with the opportunity to find work in our industry whether it be the first step of a long, successful career, or a part-time job for the summer.

“Last year’s ALMR Benchmarking Report show total payroll costs now accounting for over 25% of turnover and we have seen significant rises over the past fifteen years. This is a sector which is prepared to invest in its staff if conditions allow it. Further action by the Government to lower the cost of employing someone would see continued investment in our sector and growth across our local economies.”


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