Key data without running reports or accessing EPOS

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There is a very funny Fitbit joke doing the rounds on social media about not being able to get out of bed while the device recharges because the steps won’t count, writes GS Systems’ managing director Niels Nielsen.

The Fitbit fitness tracker, in case you don’t know, was the 2015 best-selling wearable in a growing market and it has been estimated that more than half a billion wearables will be used across the world by 2019, with 16.4m sold in the UK alone.

What I really like about the Fitbit phenomena is the fact it illustrates the value of measuring data in our personal lives.

If you use one you know at any one time the number of steps you take over a 24 hour period, how far you’ve walked, the calories burned, the floors climbed and how many minutes you’ve been active. It will even show you how well you’ve slept!

Data accessed without running reports or accessing your EPOS system

The response to data generated by an EPOS solution is very similar.

Once pub, bar and restaurant operators see the value of accessing and measuring key performance indicators, they don’t want to be without the key data again.

From our point of view, we want to provide data to our clients as simply as possible.

Just as Fitbit gives you instant data on an app, we have recently launched a service for clients where they receive key business information and sales data without having to access their EPOS system or run a report.

The Automated End of Day and Automated Weekly Summary reports is viewed on any desktop PC, laptop, Android or iOS device and enhances operators’ decision-making processes.

Individual Automated End of Day reports are dispatched to selected recipients each time the end of day process is completed at a site, providing a breakdown of the day’s business.

The right data reviewed by the right people at the right time 

Automated Weekly Summary reports aggregate the business of all sites over a seven day period and allows an operator to contextualise date-based like-for-like comparisons such as total sales and voids this week versus last week or this week the previous year.

Using our automated reports service ensures the right data is being reviewed by the right people at the right time.

After all, if, as an operator, you can measure it, you can manage it.

If you want to find out more about EPOS technology can benefit your business contact either myself or Mike Chung on 0800 655 6264 to discuss the challenges facing your hospitality business.


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